Our Co-Superintendent Ministers are Rev Louise Morrissey (based in Ashby) and Rev Phil Snelson (based in Whitwick). Our third minister is Rev Nikki Geeson (based in Melbourne). We also have four supernumerary ministers working one day per week, providing support to four churches.
The circuit is centrally located, bordered by the M1, A50 and A42. It extends from Ibstock in the south to New Sawley in the north (20 miles), and from Moira in the west to Sutton Bonington in the east (20 miles). There are four areas; Ashby, Castle Donington, Coalville and Melbourne, with a total of 12 churches and 2 fellowships. Total membership is 399 and average Sunday attendance is 300. Many churches have good ecumenical links.
The Circuit employs Claire Claringbull as a lay worker - dedicating her time to children's work across several churches.
There are currently five Circuit Stewards - Sarah Chadwick (Ashby Church), Julie Bromell (Sutton Bonington Church), Mark Dale (Melbourne Church), Alan Jones (Hugglescote Community Church) and Matthew Lee - Treasurer (Melbourne Church)
Our Circuit Administrator is Teresa Godwin.
The Circuit employs Steve Rice as a lay property manager.
Our mission is: to bring people into a relationship with God, through Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We want to: encourage discipleship, enable gifts, and transform individuals, reaching out with God's love to the lost and hurting, whilst seeking to be relevant in our local communities.
We desire to: support and be visible at local community activities. We recognise that individuals are at different points in their faith journey, and need to encourage people of all ages to fully participate in the life of the church, enabling our people to reach their full potential in Christ.
Our policy on leadership and ministry is: to work as a collaborative team, taking opportunities to work ecumenically. There are formal staff meetings each month, and leadership team meetings at least quarterly.
Our Five Year Mission Plan may be viewed here
Much of the circuit, except for the most northern churches, falls within the boundary of the National Forest. The National Forest is right in the heart of England, embracing 200 square miles of the Midlands. It spans across parts of Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Staffordshire. For many years the area was in a steep industrial, financial and social decline. Large swathes of the local landscape had been left scarred by centuries of coal mining and other heavy industries. As these industries closed a great hardship was placed the communities that were left behind. However the area has been subject to significant regeneration programmes – central to which has been the development of a new National Forest - the first large forest to be created at in England for over 1000 years, it transformed and literally turned the landscape from black to green. The landscape is now that of rolling farmland, ancient forests and new planted woodlands, with great efforts going into attracting new lighter industries.
The more northerly churches in the circuit have been more fortunate in that their populations have been supported by the industries in Derby and Nottingham which were less affected by the decline of coal mining and closure of pits.
It has been down to our circuit and churches to reflect the changes of the last 40 years. Sadly some smaller churches have had to close, but great effort, thought and consideration has gone into the reorganising, realigning and reinvigorating the churches that remain to give us all the very best chance of continuing the development of God’s kingdom in this part of the East Midlands.
Co-Superintendent Ministers
Rev Phil Snelson
t: 07906 627650
e: philip.snelson@methodist.org.uk
Rev Louise Morrissey
Ashby De La Zouch,
t: 01530 412298
e: delilah.morrissey@googlemail.com
Rev Nikki Geeson
t: 01332 405286
e: nikki.geeson@methodist.org.uk
Mrs Teresa Godwin
c/o Marlborough Square Methodist Church
LE67 3DL
t: 01530 830112
Office hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs, 10:00 to 15:30
Web Editor
Mark Dale